Paediatric surgeon
Division of paediatric surgery
Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, University of Cape Town
Specialist paediatric surgeon and Transplant surgeon in the division of Paediatric surgery Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
•Emergent clinical researcher aspiring to increase paediatric DBD/DCD donors.
•Part of the surgical team who performed the first ABO incompatible kidney transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town.
•Executive member International Paediatric Transplant Association: Multi-Organ Transplant Committee.
•Recipient of ESOT Educational Global Grant: Attended HESPERIS 2022 Italy, Rome
•Invited speaker: South African Transplant Society 2022 conference. Presentation: Maximising paediatric deceased donor pool.
•Recipient: Mail and Guardian 200 Young South Africans of 2020.