406.1 An alternative to the use of monosegmentum or hyper-reduced segment grafts: sequential abdominal closure with polytetra-fluoroethylene mesh
Dr. MarĂa Velayos, Spain
406.2 Imperfect pre-recovery liver biopsies in pediatric liver transplantation: How do they fare?
Dr. Jorge A. Sanchez Vivaldi, United States
406.3 Survival after surgical management of hepatoblastoma: resection versus transplant
Dr. Karla Estefania, Spain
406.4 Intraoperative continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill pediatric liver transplant recipients; a case series
Dr. Louise K. Furukawa, United States
406.5 Effect of donor hypernatremia on clinical outcomes in pediatric liver transplantation
Mr. Richard Barnes, United States
406.6 Long-term survival outcome beyond the first year of pediatric acute liver failure after liver transplantation compared with biliary atresia: A large-volume living donor liver transplantation single-center study
Dr. Suk Kyun Hong, Korea
406.7 What is the impact of donor quality on outcomes after pediatric split liver transplant?
Dr. Caroline P. Lemoine, United States
406.8 Comparative analysis of whole vs. split deceased donor liver transplantation in infants