407.1 Implementing food insecurity screening in a pediatric kidney transplant clinic
Mary H. Borst, United States
407.2 Change in allocation pattern of pediatric brain-dead donor kidneys following implementation of child-first policy in Korea
Prof. Sanghoon Lee, Korea
407.3 Lifelong polyuria continues post-kidney transplant in teenagers with end stage kidney disease; lessons learned and need for newer strategies beyond native nephrectomies
Prof. Vikas Dharnidharka, United States
407.5 Epstein - Barr virus driving post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: experience of the Swiss Pediatric Liver Center
Arnaud G. L'Huillier, Switzerland
407.6 DCD in pediatric transplantation: our multidisciplinary experience
Mr. Javier Serradilla, Spain
407.7 Giant porto-systemic shunt and hepatocellular carcinoma: when liver transplantation is the only solution
Mr. Javier Serradilla, Spain
407.8 Do virtual health appointments impact travel-related greenhouse gas emissions in solid organ transplant patients?
Mr. Christopher C. Buckland, Canada
407.9 LCP-Tacrolimus Extended-Release Tablets (Envarsus XR) Use in Pediatric Abdominal and Cardiac Solid Organ Transplant Recipients