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Networking Event
IPTA Social Networking Event “Meet us at the castle” *SOLD OUT*
Chateau Bellevue at Austin Woman’s Club
708 San Antonio St

The entrance to the venue is on Nueces Street, between 7th and 8th Street. If you take a taxi or similar, please ask to be dropped off there. Take the elevator to the 1st floor.
click on Full details for location map

Sunday March 26, 2023 | 19:00 to 22:00
Room: Offsite
Track: N/A


Ticket costs: $100 ($75 for Student/Fellow/Trainee, Allied Health Professional and Emerging Economy Nation)
Come to eat, wine and dance with us at the beautiful Chateau Bellevue Castle - and bring all your friends! This exclusive IPTA extravaganza networking event will showcase the great Southern hospitality for which Austin is known. Your taste buds will be excited to taste the bold flavors of Texan cuisine. Imagine a warm breeze in your hair while sipping superb wine and beer in the courtyard of this Austin Historical Landmark. After dinner, you'll dance to country music to your heart's content and take a two-step dance lesson with Beth Coffey from The White Horse.

The entrance to the venue is on Nueces Street, between 7th and 8th Street. If you take a taxi or similar, please ask to be dropped off there. Take the elevator to the 1st floor.
click on Full details for location map

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