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Oral Abstracts Session
Liver 2

Monday March 27, 2023 | 10:00 to 11:00
Room: Hill Country AB
Track: Liver


Dr. Ane Andres, Spain
Impact and outcomes after optimization of liver bipartition in pediatric liver transplantation

Dr. Jaewon Lee, Korea
Impact of Allocation Priority for Children Awaiting Liver Transplantation in Korea: A Pediatric Liver Allocation Simulated Model Analysis (PLASMA)

Dr. Koki Takase, Japan
Graft bile duct dilatation as complications of Roux-en Y biliary reconstruction in pediatric liver transplantation with partial graft

Yi-Zhou Jiang, People's Republic of China
The impact of immunosuppression level on liver allograft fibrosis after pediatric liver transplantation

Dr. Piotr Czubkowski, Poland
Long-term outcomes of liver transplantation in children with Alagille syndrome

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