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Time Room Session

08:00 - 12:30 |  Pre-Congress Symposia

08:00-10:00 08:00
Hill Country AB
Hill Country AB Trainees: Primer on Evaluation of Organ Donors

George V. Mazariegos, United States
Liver Donor Evaluation
George V. Mazariegos, United States
Liver Donor Evaluation
Burkhard Tönshoff, Germany
Kidney Donor Evaluation
Burkhard Tönshoff, Germany
Kidney Donor Evaluation
Chesney Castleberry, United States
Thoracic Donor Evaluation
Chesney Castleberry, United States
Thoracic Donor Evaluation
Carmen Capito, France
Intestinal Donor Evaluation
Carmen Capito, France
Intestinal Donor Evaluation
Irene Kim, United States
Multi-Organ Donor Evaluation
Irene Kim, United States
Multi-Organ Donor Evaluation
08:00-09:40 08:00
Hill Country CD
Hill Country CD AHP: Patient Specific Ethical Quandaries (listing and re-transplant)

Lore Willem, Belgium
Neurocognitive status and listing for transplant (Virtual Presentation)
Lore Willem, Belgium
Neurocognitive status and listing for transplant (Virtual Presentation)
Alexandra Lamari-Fisher, United States
Organ failure, transplantation and severe mental health issues / suicidality
Alexandra Lamari-Fisher, United States
Organ failure, transplantation and severe mental health issues / suicidality
Elizabeth Christofferson, United States
Substance use (Virtual Presentation)
Elizabeth Christofferson, United States
Substance use (Virtual Presentation)
Alyssa Geis, United States
Nonadherence to treatment
Alyssa Geis, United States
Nonadherence to treatment
09:40-10:30 09:40
Hill Country
Hill Country Coffee Break
10:00-11:30 10:00
Hill Country CD
Hill Country CD AHP: Family and Socio-Cultural Quandaries

Gillian Mayersohn, United States
Introduction into socio-cultural quandaries
Gillian Mayersohn, United States
Introduction into socio-cultural quandaries
Beverly Kosmach-Park, United States
Beverly Kosmach-Park, United States
Farrah Raza, Germany
Religion in transplantation (Virtual Presentation)
Farrah Raza, Germany
Religion in transplantation (Virtual Presentation)
James Neuberger, United Kingdom
James Neuberger, United Kingdom
David Albert Jones, United Kingdom
David Albert Jones, United Kingdom
Alice Virani, Canada
Social, cultural, and ethnic disparities (Virtual Presentation)
Alice Virani, Canada
Social, cultural, and ethnic disparities (Virtual Presentation)
Michelle Jesse, United States
Caregiver Mental health
Michelle Jesse, United States
Caregiver Mental health
10:30-12:30 10:30
Hill Country AB
Hill Country AB Trainees: Hot Topics for Trainees

Mara Medeiros, Mexico
A Primer on HLA
Mara Medeiros, Mexico
A Primer on HLA
Rupesh Raina, United States
Management of Acute and Chronic Rejection
Rupesh Raina, United States
Management of Acute and Chronic Rejection
Christine Hwang, United States
Machine Perfusion of Organs - A Future for Kids?
Christine Hwang, United States
Machine Perfusion of Organs - A Future for Kids?
Amy Gallo, United States
Tolerance - The Basics for Trainees
Amy Gallo, United States
Tolerance - The Basics for Trainees
Krista Gregory, United States
Wellness and Burnout for Trainees
Krista Gregory, United States
Wellness and Burnout for Trainees
11:30-12:15 11:30
Hill Country CD
Hill Country CD View IPTA Allied Health and Nursing Professionals (AHNP) Business Meeting (open to all AHNP congress participants)

13:30 - 16:30 |  Opening Plenary and SOTA

13:30-14:30 13:30
Zilker 3-4
Zilker 3-4 Opening Ceremony & Patient Voices presented by CareDx
Included in registration fees for participants

Carlos O. Esquivel, United States
Welcome from the Congress Chair and IPTA President
Carlos O. Esquivel, United States
Welcome from the Congress Chair and IPTA President
Chesney Castleberry, United States
Welcome from Local Host
Chesney Castleberry, United States
Welcome from Local Host
Greg Quinn, United States
Introduction of Patient Voice Panel
Greg Quinn, United States
Introduction of Patient Voice Panel
Alexandra Flaxman, United States
Patient Voices
Alexandra Flaxman, United States
Patient Voices
14:30-16:00 14:30
Zilker 3-4
Zilker 3-4 Plenary: Innovations in pediatric transplantation
Supported by:    

Marc Abramowicz, Switzerland
Genetics of transplant outcomes
Marc Abramowicz, Switzerland
Genetics of transplant outcomes
Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
Increasing the pediatric donor pool by using robotics surgery
Dieter C. Broering, Saudi Arabia
Increasing the pediatric donor pool by using robotics surgery
Burcin Ekser, United States
Organoids and transplantation
Burcin Ekser, United States
Organoids and transplantation
Marc L. Melcher, United States
Artificial intelligence to predict transplant outcomes
Marc L. Melcher, United States
Artificial intelligence to predict transplant outcomes
16:00-16:30 16:00
Zilker 3-4
Zilker 3-4 State-of-the-Art Session: Robotic 3D living donor hepatectomy and living donor liver transplant

Nam-Joon Yi, Korea
Robotic 3D living donor hepatectomy and living donor liver transplant
Nam-Joon Yi, Korea
Robotic 3D living donor hepatectomy and living donor liver transplant

16:30 - 17:00 |  Coffee Break

16:30-17:00 16:30
Zilker Foyer
Zilker Foyer Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:00 |  Oral Abstract Sessions

17:00-18:00 17:00
Zilker 3-4
Zilker 3-4 Oral Abstracts Session: Liver / Intestine

Guang-Peng Zhou, People's Republic of China
Domino hepatocyte transplantation using explanted human livers with metabolic defects attenuates D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver failure
Guang-Peng Zhou, People's Republic of China
Domino hepatocyte transplantation using explanted human livers with metabolic defects attenuates D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver failure
Ioannis A. Ziogas, United States
Pediatric Liver Transplantation for Hepatoblastoma According to Graft Type
Ioannis A. Ziogas, United States
Pediatric Liver Transplantation for Hepatoblastoma According to Graft Type
Hubert van der Doef, Netherlands
Prevalence of portal vein obstruction in pediatric patients after liver transplantation; a multicenter, observational, prevalence study
Hubert van der Doef, Netherlands
Prevalence of portal vein obstruction in pediatric patients after liver transplantation; a multicenter, observational, prevalence study
Jacqueline I. Kim, United States
Effects of acuity circle liver allocation policy on pediatric whole liver transplants in high versus low volume transplant centers
Jacqueline I. Kim, United States
Effects of acuity circle liver allocation policy on pediatric whole liver transplants in high versus low volume transplant centers
Barbara E. Wildhaber, Switzerland
Predictors for pathological bone fractures in children undergoing liver transplantation
Barbara E. Wildhaber, Switzerland
Predictors for pathological bone fractures in children undergoing liver transplantation
Arielle Cimeno, United States
Liver transplant in pediatric patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: A large single center experience with recommendations for malignancy screening
Arielle Cimeno, United States
Liver transplant in pediatric patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: A large single center experience with recommendations for malignancy screening
17:00-18:00 17:00
Hill Country AB
Hill Country AB Oral Abstracts Session: Allied Health

Catherine Patterson, Canada
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes following liver transplantation for metabolic disease
Catherine Patterson, Canada
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes following liver transplantation for metabolic disease
Dawn Freiberger, United States
Improving psychological safety in pediatric transplant selection committee meetings
Dawn Freiberger, United States
Improving psychological safety in pediatric transplant selection committee meetings
Kerry West, Australia
Physical activity of children and adolescents after kidney transplant
Kerry West, Australia
Physical activity of children and adolescents after kidney transplant
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Clinical impact of transplant pharmacists on medication management in outpatient pediatric kidney transplant clinic
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Clinical impact of transplant pharmacists on medication management in outpatient pediatric kidney transplant clinic
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Impact of a pharmacy driven vaccine program in abdominal organ transplant patients prior to transplant
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Impact of a pharmacy driven vaccine program in abdominal organ transplant patients prior to transplant
Alyssa Geis, United States
Singing in the rain - Music therapy and child life provide individualized coping strategies for emotional stresses of pediatric heart failure and transplant
Alyssa Geis, United States
Singing in the rain - Music therapy and child life provide individualized coping strategies for emotional stresses of pediatric heart failure and transplant
Whitney Hewlett, United States
Whitney Hewlett, United States
17:00-18:00 17:00
Hill Country CD
Hill Country CD Oral Abstracts Session: Thoracic (Heart)

Stephanie S. Philip, United States
Orthotopic heart transplantation in pediatric Marfan syndrome patients: A review of the Pediatric Health Information System database
Stephanie S. Philip, United States
Orthotopic heart transplantation in pediatric Marfan syndrome patients: A review of the Pediatric Health Information System database
Richard W. Issitt, United Kingdom
Use of immunoadsorption in an ex vivo laboratory setting to provide a potential intraoperative desensitisation methodology for paediatric cardiothoracic transplantation
Richard W. Issitt, United Kingdom
Use of immunoadsorption in an ex vivo laboratory setting to provide a potential intraoperative desensitisation methodology for paediatric cardiothoracic transplantation
Katheryn Gambetta, United States
Timing is Everything: A Single Center’s Experience of Early Heart Transplantation for Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity
Katheryn Gambetta, United States
Timing is Everything: A Single Center’s Experience of Early Heart Transplantation for Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity
Anna Gold, Canada
“It made me feel like I wasn’t alone”: The experiences and perspectives of adolescent thoracic transplant recipients participating in the iPeer2Peer support mentorship program
Anna Gold, Canada
“It made me feel like I wasn’t alone”: The experiences and perspectives of adolescent thoracic transplant recipients participating in the iPeer2Peer support mentorship program
Robin Deliva, Canada
Functional performance and fitness in pediatric lung transplant candidates and recipients: a retrospective review
Robin Deliva, Canada
Functional performance and fitness in pediatric lung transplant candidates and recipients: a retrospective review

18:00 - 19:15 |  Welcome Reception and Poster Sessions

18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 Welcome Reception
Included in registration fees for participants.
Additional tickets available for purchase at $45 US.

Supported by:    
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P1- Allied Health Posters

Katie Haubrich, Canada
Help Kidney: Health literacy and patient outcomes in pediatric kidney transplant
Katie Haubrich, Canada
Help Kidney: Health literacy and patient outcomes in pediatric kidney transplant
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P2- Covid Posters

Alanoud Ali Alshami, Saudi Arabia
Humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 BNT 162b2 vaccine in pediatric kidney transplant recipients and dialysis patients
Alanoud Ali Alshami, Saudi Arabia
Humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 BNT 162b2 vaccine in pediatric kidney transplant recipients and dialysis patients
Kate Mythen, United Kingdom
Restarting Transplant: our experience of recommencing the paediatric renal transplant programme amidst the Covid-19 pandemic
Kate Mythen, United Kingdom
Restarting Transplant: our experience of recommencing the paediatric renal transplant programme amidst the Covid-19 pandemic
Piotr Czubkowski, Poland
Impact of COVID-19 pandemia on pediatric liver transplant recipients
Piotr Czubkowski, Poland
Impact of COVID-19 pandemia on pediatric liver transplant recipients
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P3- Ethical/Psychosocial and Economical Issues Posters

Kelli N. Triplett, United States
A Systematic Review of Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Organ Transplant Outcomes
Kelli N. Triplett, United States
A Systematic Review of Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Organ Transplant Outcomes
Mara Medeiros, Mexico
Presumed donor in the opinion of Mexican health personnel
Mara Medeiros, Mexico
Presumed donor in the opinion of Mexican health personnel
Lars Pape, Germany
Decision making in the context of paediatric solid organ transplantation medicine
Lars Pape, Germany
Decision making in the context of paediatric solid organ transplantation medicine
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P4- Immunosuppression Posters

Felicia Kjaernet, Sweden
Fewer complications and equivalent outcome with azathioprine compared to mycophenolate in paediatric first-time kidney transplantation
Felicia Kjaernet, Sweden
Fewer complications and equivalent outcome with azathioprine compared to mycophenolate in paediatric first-time kidney transplantation
Jorge A. Sanchez Vivaldi, United States
Belatacept-based immunosuppression in pediatric kidney transplantation
Jorge A. Sanchez Vivaldi, United States
Belatacept-based immunosuppression in pediatric kidney transplantation
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P5- Infectious Diseases Posters

Katrina L. Epperson, United States
Case Report: Donor-Derived Microsporidiosis Infection in a Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipient
Katrina L. Epperson, United States
Case Report: Donor-Derived Microsporidiosis Infection in a Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipient
Hee Gyung Kang, Korea
Cancer prevalence and risk factors among Korean solid organ transplant recipients
Hee Gyung Kang, Korea
Cancer prevalence and risk factors among Korean solid organ transplant recipients
Priya Walabh, South Africa
Epstein Barr Virus risk stratification as a tool to predict post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in pediatric liver transplant recipients
Priya Walabh, South Africa
Epstein Barr Virus risk stratification as a tool to predict post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in pediatric liver transplant recipients
Katherine G. Robinson, United States
EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) driven post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) – a pediatric disease in the adult transplant patient: A single case study using evidence-based practice to improve the transition of care
Katherine G. Robinson, United States
EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) driven post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) – a pediatric disease in the adult transplant patient: A single case study using evidence-based practice to improve the transition of care
Masaki Yamada, Japan
Current status of pediatric solid organ transplantation in Japan: Disease transmission surveillance in the country where living-donor transplantation is dominant
Masaki Yamada, Japan
Current status of pediatric solid organ transplantation in Japan: Disease transmission surveillance in the country where living-donor transplantation is dominant
Yitong A. Liu, United States
A case of native kidney post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder and BK nephropathy after orthotopic heart transplantation
Yitong A. Liu, United States
A case of native kidney post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder and BK nephropathy after orthotopic heart transplantation
Yusuke Tokuda, Japan
Ampicillin rash does not occur among pediatric liver transplant recipients even in the presence of EBV DNAemia
Yusuke Tokuda, Japan
Ampicillin rash does not occur among pediatric liver transplant recipients even in the presence of EBV DNAemia
Longshan Liu, People's Republic of China
A case of cytomegalovirus-related hemorrhagic cystitis early after pediatric kidney transplantation
Longshan Liu, People's Republic of China
A case of cytomegalovirus-related hemorrhagic cystitis early after pediatric kidney transplantation
Ruchi Gupta Mahajan, United States
BK viruria in pediatric heart transplant patients and its correlation with kidney function-A Single center retrospective study
Ruchi Gupta Mahajan, United States
BK viruria in pediatric heart transplant patients and its correlation with kidney function-A Single center retrospective study
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P6- Kidney Posters

Jaythoon Hassan, Ireland
Monitoring Torque Teno Virus viral loads in pediatric renal transplant recipients: A pilot study
Jaythoon Hassan, Ireland
Monitoring Torque Teno Virus viral loads in pediatric renal transplant recipients: A pilot study
Nathaniel Zona, United States
Single center experience of surveillance biopsies in pediatric kidney transplants
Nathaniel Zona, United States
Single center experience of surveillance biopsies in pediatric kidney transplants
Anjali Khanna-Farber, United States
New onset diabetes after transplant in a single pediatric kidney transplant center
Anjali Khanna-Farber, United States
New onset diabetes after transplant in a single pediatric kidney transplant center
Louise Kipping, United Kingdom
Post Kidney Transplant cardiovascular proactive screening- does it make a difference?
Louise Kipping, United Kingdom
Post Kidney Transplant cardiovascular proactive screening- does it make a difference?
Louise Kipping, United Kingdom
Post Kidney Transplant cardiovascular service – proactive screening in paediatric recipients
Louise Kipping, United Kingdom
Post Kidney Transplant cardiovascular service – proactive screening in paediatric recipients
Sara Testa, Italy
Influence of migration status on practice and clinical course of pediatric kidney transplantation
Sara Testa, Italy
Influence of migration status on practice and clinical course of pediatric kidney transplantation
Devprakash Choudhary, India
Graft loss due to isolated Angio-invasive Aspergillosis of Kidney Allograft following Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Neonatal En-bloc kidney after Uncontrolled Circulatory Determination of Death
Devprakash Choudhary, India
Graft loss due to isolated Angio-invasive Aspergillosis of Kidney Allograft following Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Neonatal En-bloc kidney after Uncontrolled Circulatory Determination of Death
Brittney Grabowski, United States
A single center experience with MicKey button vesicostomy in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Brittney Grabowski, United States
A single center experience with MicKey button vesicostomy in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Elisabeth Marlies Cornelissen, Netherlands
Are hemodynamic targets related to renal-injury biomarker excretion during pediatric kidney transplantation?
Elisabeth Marlies Cornelissen, Netherlands
Are hemodynamic targets related to renal-injury biomarker excretion during pediatric kidney transplantation?
Helen E. Jones, United Kingdom
Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK paediatric kidney transplantation
Helen E. Jones, United Kingdom
Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK paediatric kidney transplantation
Agnieszka Swiatecka-Urban, United States
Obinutuzumab as Adjunct Therapy for Recurrent FSGS after Kidney Transplantation
Agnieszka Swiatecka-Urban, United States
Obinutuzumab as Adjunct Therapy for Recurrent FSGS after Kidney Transplantation
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Utilization of subcutaneous immunoglobulin G in antibody mediated rejection treatment
Katherine E. Twombley, United States
Utilization of subcutaneous immunoglobulin G in antibody mediated rejection treatment
Kiran Upadhyay, United States
Short-term renal allograft outcome in adolescents with nephropathic cystinosis: a single center longitudinal study
Kiran Upadhyay, United States
Short-term renal allograft outcome in adolescents with nephropathic cystinosis: a single center longitudinal study
Indira Agarwal, India
Post-transplant infections following induction with ATG in an emerging pediatric renal transplant program
Indira Agarwal, India
Post-transplant infections following induction with ATG in an emerging pediatric renal transplant program
David K. Hooper, United States
Treatment of refractory acute rejection with local graft irradiation in pediatric kidney transplant patients: A case series
David K. Hooper, United States
Treatment of refractory acute rejection with local graft irradiation in pediatric kidney transplant patients: A case series
German Lozano, United States
Dynamic changes in cell free-DNA: A clinical case report utilizing dd-cfDNA for allograft surveillance
German Lozano, United States
Dynamic changes in cell free-DNA: A clinical case report utilizing dd-cfDNA for allograft surveillance
Stella Kilduff, United States
Clinical characteristics associated with metabolic acidosis in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Stella Kilduff, United States
Clinical characteristics associated with metabolic acidosis in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Veronica A. Bravo Diaz, Argentina
Thrombotic microangiopathy after pediatric renal transplantation: report of 2 cases
Veronica A. Bravo Diaz, Argentina
Thrombotic microangiopathy after pediatric renal transplantation: report of 2 cases
Nicolle L. Quinn, United States
Decanting Enteral Feeds
Nicolle L. Quinn, United States
Decanting Enteral Feeds
German Lozano, United States
Utilization of dd-cfDNA for survelliance in a teenaged pediatric population
German Lozano, United States
Utilization of dd-cfDNA for survelliance in a teenaged pediatric population
Dechu Puliyanda, United States
Observational Case Series on Utilizing C1 Esterase Inhibitor for Prevention of Delayed Graft Function In Pediatric Renal Transplantation
Dechu Puliyanda, United States
Observational Case Series on Utilizing C1 Esterase Inhibitor for Prevention of Delayed Graft Function In Pediatric Renal Transplantation
Ruchi Gupta Mahajan, United States
Prevalence of nocturnal hypertension in pediatric kidney transplant patients using 2022 ABPM guidelines
Ruchi Gupta Mahajan, United States
Prevalence of nocturnal hypertension in pediatric kidney transplant patients using 2022 ABPM guidelines
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P7- Liver / Intestine Posters

Jillian Wothe, United States
Long Term Outcomes of Liver Transplantation for Metabolic Defects in Children
Jillian Wothe, United States
Long Term Outcomes of Liver Transplantation for Metabolic Defects in Children
Mohammad Fardeen Maudarbaccus, Canada
Predictors of early extubation after pediatric liver transplant
Mohammad Fardeen Maudarbaccus, Canada
Predictors of early extubation after pediatric liver transplant
Richard Barnes, United States
Effect of donor elevated alanine aminotransferase on clinical outcomes in pediatric liver transplantation
Richard Barnes, United States
Effect of donor elevated alanine aminotransferase on clinical outcomes in pediatric liver transplantation
Amanda Motomochi, United States
A report of intravenous immune globulin therapy to decrease angiotensin II type 1 receptor antibodies after pediatric liver transplantation
Amanda Motomochi, United States
A report of intravenous immune globulin therapy to decrease angiotensin II type 1 receptor antibodies after pediatric liver transplantation
Jaewon Lee, Korea
Portal vein reconstruction in pediatric liver transplantation using end-to-side jump graft: A case report
Jaewon Lee, Korea
Portal vein reconstruction in pediatric liver transplantation using end-to-side jump graft: A case report
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P8- Quality Improvement Posters

Jessica Brennan, United States
Optimizing Vaccinations in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients
Jessica Brennan, United States
Optimizing Vaccinations in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients
Jessica Brennan, United States
Using Renal Genetics in the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Evaluation
Jessica Brennan, United States
Using Renal Genetics in the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Evaluation
Julie R. Strong, Canada
Development process for pediatric kidney transplant education targeted at kidney transplant candidates and their family members across Canada
Julie R. Strong, Canada
Development process for pediatric kidney transplant education targeted at kidney transplant candidates and their family members across Canada
Kyong Ihn, Korea
Changes in clinical and nutritional profiles of pediatric liver transplantation patients: Results after a multidisciplinary team intervention
Kyong Ihn, Korea
Changes in clinical and nutritional profiles of pediatric liver transplantation patients: Results after a multidisciplinary team intervention
Jocelyn Fiore, United States
Optimizing a pediatric solid organ transplant nurse practitioner multispecialty role for transplant coordinator cross-coverage
Jocelyn Fiore, United States
Optimizing a pediatric solid organ transplant nurse practitioner multispecialty role for transplant coordinator cross-coverage
Anna Simonelli, United States
A single center’s impact on patient adherence and post-transplant outcomes with the introduction of medication blister-packaging
Anna Simonelli, United States
A single center’s impact on patient adherence and post-transplant outcomes with the introduction of medication blister-packaging
Helen E. Jones, United Kingdom
Transition from paediatric to adult services: a new model for renal transplant recipients following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Helen E. Jones, United Kingdom
Transition from paediatric to adult services: a new model for renal transplant recipients following the COVID-19 Pandemic
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P9- Thoracic Posters

Katheryn Gambetta, United States
Effect of Body Mass Index on Exercise Capacity following Pediatric Heart Transplantation
Katheryn Gambetta, United States
Effect of Body Mass Index on Exercise Capacity following Pediatric Heart Transplantation
Mats Steffi Jennifer Masilamani, United States
Transcatheter Pulmonary Flow Restrictors as a Palliative Bridge to Transplant
Mats Steffi Jennifer Masilamani, United States
Transcatheter Pulmonary Flow Restrictors as a Palliative Bridge to Transplant
18:00-19:15 18:00
Zilker 1-2
Zilker 1-2 P10- Miscellaneous Posters

Lauren D. Glass, United States
Recovery, rehabilitation, and Berlin Heart Excor decannulation in tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy presenting with cardiogenic shock
Lauren D. Glass, United States
Recovery, rehabilitation, and Berlin Heart Excor decannulation in tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy presenting with cardiogenic shock
Thozama Siyotula, South Africa
An analysis of paediatric deceased organ donation at a South African Tertiary Public Sector Hospital over a 14-year period
Thozama Siyotula, South Africa
An analysis of paediatric deceased organ donation at a South African Tertiary Public Sector Hospital over a 14-year period
Marek Stefanowicz, Poland
Impact of hepatic artery thrombosis on outcome of patients after pediatric living donor liver transplantations
Marek Stefanowicz, Poland
Impact of hepatic artery thrombosis on outcome of patients after pediatric living donor liver transplantations

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